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MY 2013 summary
Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1/01/2014

TRDO 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012 7/27/2012

This post is dedicated to Identity, my lovely group for The Royal Dance-Off 2012.
I really miss them, miss dancing, miss having choreography to train, work and sweat hard for SO MUCH!

Here are the photos taken:

Our theme, Geisha.

Moments captured on stage, they only happen once in a lifetime, because it is different every single time. We will always learn something new, something only we ourselves know. :)
Really hope to be able to perform again with them, ALL. That's gonna be one of my dream definitely when I grow old in the future. 

Strangers; losing people
Thursday, July 26, 2012 7/26/2012

BEFORE I OFFICIALLY START BLOGGING AGAIN, I HAVE TO ADMIT THAT I AM HAVING PMS RIGHT NOW. SO WHATEVER I POST, THEY COME WITH TEN TIMES THE EXAGGERATED EMOTIONS. So just so you know, I may not feel the same way tomorrow morning. (Okay I have no idea why I stating that. See this is what PMS do to a girl.)

So much thoughts running through my mind, there is only 1 thing I want to address tonight.

How can someone who was once your everything, someone who shared your life and was ever the closest person you had, now turns into a stranger?

Others say, it is a common sight for couples who break up to undergo these stages: from friends to lovers to ended up with being strangers. Now thinking of it,  it is too drastic a change, really and I hate it. Hate losing people who I hold dearly in my life at some point of time or even now.  It did not really occur to me that we will end up with being strangers in the end. (Maybe it is to early to tell now, but that is what I am feeling at the moment) Well, at least still friends? And when I say friends, I mean close friend whom I can still share my life, happiness and laughter with.

Don't you think that not contacting each other for a long period of time, it just allow our hearts to harden so much that we practically force ourselves not to care about the person you love, and ended up being not concerned about them and trying not having feelings for them anymore? Dont you feel selfish? Know what, yes I do. Because when I chose to close that door, I became stronger..but at the same time that strength had turned into selfishness towards you. You may say that I can still make up for it after awhile, when we settle down and stuff. But honestly, how many actually still bother to care so much for your ex after you get a new partner or when he/she has someone new?

Hardly right? Because things will turn complicated if we do that.

I chose to ignore, to hide and not to care for fear that I will end up getting hurt. I would say, it really did help me to get over us, but at the same time, I lost you. I chose the option of protecting my own self, my own interest and gave you up. (Not literally giving you and losing you) It's just that, after going through so much and when you break up, you wont give him so much of your love anymore, not even as friends, can't really be bothered about the details of his life. Just..yeah, losing that love. That love that we could have as friends; there's so much more we could give each other.

But having such a thought brings up a lot of other reactions, doesn't it? Too naive to be thinking of getting back close with your ex? Is it really not possible? Does every relationship that ended have to be like that..with the invisible barrier existing between the ex-couple?

Why can't we just love, just give and not worry about what will happen? Isn't love suppose to be something good? Why would something unpleasant happen out of it?

What is it that created this barrier- the fond memories we once shared? Because if that is the case, the only thing that I regretted the most about us, is getting into a relationship with you. We could have love each other more as good friends now, but we had to kill that.

What a pity, my dear friend.

Since now I have no turning back., I can only move forward to make it better. Before I can expect anything of you, I know I have to convince myself, be initiative and take the courage to go for the first step. It is hard, but isn't that is what life is all about? Love. Love for someone gotta be so much stronger than all the awkwardness and all the rejections. So yes, I can do it and I WILL.

It reigns over everything else in this world. Such a strong and powerful word. No one can truly define love using words. I dont want to lose friends in my life, yet sometimes I feel helpless, not having enough courage to get them back..

So I will pray that everyday, I want to be a blessing to every of my friend! I still thank God these things happened that changed the perspective I have in life. :)

I am just randomly posting whatever thoughts that came to mind, not in any order so they may be everywhere. But can't be bothered to phrase them properly, just glad it helped me gain another insight in life. :) Have a blessed night all!

Thursday, May 24, 2012 5/24/2012

Officially GRADUATED from SP yesterday, 23rd May 2012.

It wasn't that exciting except for the moment when you stepped up onto the stage to receive the certificate. Other than that, it was all waiting and taking photos and walking in heels, enduring the pain in my crammed up toes.

So here are some photos taken:

Grats to Yonglin, the awards-achiever, for your graduation! So proud of you ;D

Looking back, it has already been a good 5 years of friendship and still counting! Wow, so amazing because I could not remember or understand how did we even become friends who can talk about anything and everything under the moon. It is like from nothing to something called friends.
Friendships are such a beautiful thing that can happen in everybody's life. Imagine life without friends.
*Can't wait for our prawning outing soooooon!

DBA 04! <3

 George Teo, the most humorous lecturer and tutor I've had in SP. Gna miss his jokes, and him calling us 'gong zhu' and 'huang hou'.

 Amanda and Weilin with her bear!<3

 With Stella and Weilin and her bear again!

With my dearest sissy poop! <3

 Weilin and her bear (-.-), Katherina and SQ! Gna miss yall when I leave SSC!

Claire, Weilin and her annoying bear (again!) and Joshua

More photos coming! Waiting for them to be uploaded.

Headed to Nihon Mura for lunch buffet with my sissy and sadly the buffet price has been adjusted! It increased by freaking 5 bucks which amounted to a near 30 bucks for a lunch. Our wallets felt the ache but still had a satisfying lunch!

 My favourite sashimis!

 And my all-time favourite cheese mussels!

 Photos from work:

Cant wait for dinz later with my babehssssssss!;D
God bless, have a nice day ahead!

Monday, May 21, 2012 5/21/2012

This weekend had been such a great emotional turmoil for me.
It's so hard to put it in words, but all in all, I am really thankful for all my friends who were there for me. <3
And most importantly, thank God for always standing by me.

"From naming stars to mending hearts, nothing is too hard for God."
How true. There has always been a tinge of peaceful-ness that was felt in my heart amidst of everything. Either it will work out or end. And somehow, I feel that whatever the outcome is, I can't really be bothered about it anymore. Because I have tried my best and if it does not work out, then too bad. There are too many things in life that are so much more meaningful and exciting for me to live for.

Saturday was a all-dance day.

Taught ballet in the early morning till 2pm in the afternoon. Those young little girls, though they can get abit out of hand sometimes, but teaching them brings me great joy. :) Their innocence, the way they 'act cute' to seek the teachers' attention; they are toooo annoying-ly cute. Hahaha.
Other than that, teaching IS tiring.

Headed down to SP for TRDO training after that.
Hate to miss Ryan's saturday trainings:(
Wish I could teach on sunday instead but I do not have any choice. We are progressing quite well I would say. Just need more stamina to last through the entire choreo.

Met up with Chenghao (for 5minutes only to say goodbye), Lester, Leonard and Amanda for dinner. Hahaha and everytime I think of Chenghao, the things he said never fail to make me laugh out loud. Heh thank you all :) It is comforting to know that there will be friends who stand by me and support me. Was quite sad that I did not manage to catch the movie. But hearing the reviews from them, it did not sound like it was worth the money paid.

Overall, glad I met them.

Not particularly excited about it though.

It's good to fight for what you want although it is tiring to fight alone. At least I tried. Because even if it does not succeed, you wont ever regret it and will be able to move on with confidence and faith.

Friday, May 18, 2012 5/18/2012

Blogging has become a routine at work.
The first thing I do everytime I step into the office is to view my blog and blog. Okay maybe not. Facebook-ing comes first heh.

Returning to the same ocean.
Somehow, there is a sad story behind this photo, don't you think so?

It has been exhausting these few days, emotionally and physically. My eyes could hardly be kept open throughout the day. They feel puffy and heavy and like they are shrinking in size. (Reminds me of Weilin's one big one small eyes)

For the past 2 days, we have been training for TRDO after work. We are almost done with the choreo, which is a good thing because heats is nearingggg. It is quite pressurising to know that we will be competing with so many other groups who are technically strong or have an experience choreographer to help them to choreograph. But, I still have faith in us! We will definitely be able to do it!

It is a good thing that I have activities lined up everyday and have friends to accompany me. It keeps my mind off things that I do not wish to think about. Because worrying and thinking about it does not help anything nor will it change anything. So why not just spend my time doing things that are fun, meaningful and get on with life?

And I am nervous about tmr! I am going to teach the young children and introduce basic ballet steps to them and the best thing is I have not prepared anything! Oh dearrrrr..

Time heals, so true.
Have a blessed day everyone!

Thursday, May 17, 2012 5/17/2012

If things are meant to be, they will be right?
That quote, has been filling up in my mind every day and night. Different people have different definition for it. When it comes from each individual, different meaning is put across.
Leave it to fate, they say.

I've given much consideration to this phrase. Fate makes things happen, really? Maybe not. I agree all things have an outcome and I believe everything is planned. But what about humans' free will? Did God not give us the free will to do what we want? If you say fate determines everything, then why do people still have to make a choice? Before things happen, are we not the ones who get to decide what kind of outcome we want? When things don't happen, we blame God for it. We say we are not fated to be together. But actually, is that really the case?

So from what I have concluded, God or fate (whichever is comfortable for yall) provides us with the opportunity. When opportunity is presented right in your face, you are the one who make the decision, not anybody else. God or fate is not to be blamed for whatever outcome it may be. If you want something, you have to take the first step to work for it. If you do not even try, and decide to leave it all to fate, what do you achieve? Nothing.

This time, I am going to fight for what I want.
I do not know how long is this going to last. Though I feel tired, I am determined to do this.
I am thankful for my dear friends who are here with me, who gave me advice and listened to me. Amanda Weilin:) Thanks to Terry too, though it was so random for me to tell you. But it just came out. Your 'wrong' sms just came at the right time haha.

Let's just hope for the best. I will pray to God for this to work out.
God bless everyone.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5/16/2012

Just received Rice Dumpling!
It can serve as our dinner for today. :) Wonder who invented Rice Dumplings, cos I feel that they are quite an ingenious food creation!

And again, there is not much work for us to do. It is nothing surprising actually, just the usual mundane routine that we go through everyday. Work is very slack and our contracts are ending in May. I am having mixed feelings about it, unsure whether to feel happy or sad that I will be leaving SSC soon, because I know such a job with nice colleagues are rare to find. But then again, it's time we venture into other more challenging jobs.

Oh, and check my pretty nails out!

Credit goes to Hamster Seah! ('Hello' from baby seah ~)
Clap clap clap!

Guess which cupcake I dislike?

Don't get deceived by the photo, it is not as nice as it seems.

This is outdated but I love my hair here - Waterfall braid!

Again, credit to Hamster Seah.
(Baby seah is feeling shy now*)

In case yall do not know who Baby Seah is...

HERE SHE COMES...Drum rolls*

Mood: Down :'(

BB chan is goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;(

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 5/15/2012


Work is boring. Ohya have I mentioned? Been working full time at SPSSC since April earning $8/hr. Earning money has been a breeze considering the little work that we have to do. And today, have not been doing any proper work except answering a few phone calls since morning. Life~

Enjoying my KFC right now while blogging away waiting to end work. My current job is probably gona terminate in June, I need to find a new job before school starts. Any recommendations?

So many things on my mind right now I don't know what else to blog about. Oh trdo! Training commenced few weeks ago. It's so stressful to collaborate with gladys to choreograph the piece. Plus we are running out of time cause heats is on the 2nd of June. Please come to support cause it'll mean alot to us :)

Oh I just dropped coleslaw on myself LOL.

Sigh I hate how my hair is right now. Can't wait to snip it off and dye my hair again! I think I should cut bob, bob is nice :)

Okay I'm starting to talk rubbish byeeeeee!

Hamster signing off on behalf of yanping hehe. Bye!

Yan Ping

Beloved Child of God
Sweet 20

Interest in
Fashion Marketing

"God is in the sadness
and the laughter, in the
bitter and the sweet
There is a divine purpose
behind everything and
therefore a divine
presence in everything."

- Neale Donald Walsch
